Post by: syed hussain in Azure Data Factory
I've read many sources online that illustrate how to create a flow that detects record duplicates. Some of these duplicate detection patterns can be quite complex, most are old patterns.…

Post by: syed hussain in Dynamics 365 CE Microsoft Azure
The steps below outline the actions needed to build the Dynamics 365 Data Export Service. What I found was that documentation on this subject is sparse, but also, blog posts…
Post by: syed hussain in Azure Data Factory
I came across a recent issue where I was trying to overwrite a single in my Data Flow. However, Data Factory started to output several intermediary files instead.
Post by: syed hussain in Azure Data Factory
Microsoft have now made it easier to filter records from a delimited source. We all know it's possible to filter SQL data sources, but now filtering in Azure Data Factory…

Post by: syed hussain in SQL
Using the Data Export Service, you can also query metadata to join customer data into a single flat table. For those trying to get OptionSetMetadata labels instead of code, here…
Post by: syed hussain in Dynamics 365 CE Microsoft Azure
I signed-up to an Azure Student Account for an Azure Developers course that I was studying during the evenings. One thing that I noticed immediately was that I could not…
Post by: syed hussain in Dynamics 365 CE Tips
If you've created a new Business Process Flow, and you've found that it's not visible in the Unified Interface, you need to add it to the PowerApp Model-Driven App.

Post by: syed hussain in C# Development
Below is a code sample that demonstrates how to set the state of a record in Dynamics 365. The plugin Step must be registered on both the SetState & SetStateDynamicEntity…
Post by: syed hussain in Azure Analysis Services
I was looking for some documentation online that would help me run Azure Analysis Services on an Azure SQL DB using Visual Studio 2019. Documentation is sparse so I thought…
Post by: syed hussain in Azure Data Factory
I've seen a lot of people manually create tables in Azure SQL when doing a data migration from a source system to SQL DB as the Sink. For those that…