Point-to-Point Messaging using Azure Service Bus Queues

Here is a quick snippet of code demonstrating how Point-to-point messaging works with Azure Service Bus and the Microsoft Dataverse. The Microsoft Dataverse emits a message that is pushed into…

EIP – Application Adapter Design Pattern

Some legacy applications often communicate messages in proprietary formats, or messages the Receiver application needs to translate to make sense of. EDIFACT, X12 are common formats that often require translation/transformation.…

Using Dependency Injection in Azure Functions

In Azure Functions 1.0, it was never possible to use Dependency Injection (DI). DI is a technique to achieve Inversion of Control (IoC) between classess and their methods. In Azure…

Azure Service Bus Bindings

Here is a quick tip for anyone trying to create an Azure Function Service Bus binding. When copying the Service Bus SAS key, the Visual Studio compiler may complain that…