Enterprise Integration Design Patterns Catalogue with Azure, AWS & GCP


The section below documents some common Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) that can be used across different vendor platforms. The EIPs are considered industry best practices, they have been peer-reviewed by domain experts. For a detailed understanding of the core components visit the Well-defined Integration Architecture post.

*Note, that this catalogue is a work in progress.

EIP Management Systems

Alerts & NotificationAlerts and Notifications design patterns work with the Control Bus and Retry patterns. When failures occur in an integrated system, the Control Bus issues notifications to Administrators. This helps in quickly addressing issues and maintaining system reliability.MonitoringAWS CloudWatch, Azure Monitor, Splunk
Audit TrailTracks and records every action and decision made by the system, ensuring that a complete history is available for auditing purposes. This is crucial for security, compliance, and troubleshooting.Security, TraceabilityElasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK Stack), Splunk
Channel PurgerRemoves all unwanted messages from a message channel to maintain cleanliness and ensure only relevant messages are processed. This helps in avoiding clutter and potential processing delays.Clean-upApache Kafka, RabbitMQ
Control Bus (CB)Manages multiple distributed integrations through a single backplane. The CB uses a separate message channel to communicate with endpoints to ensure that all integration components are working. It centralizes control and monitoring, making it easier to manage complex systems.MonitoringMuleSoft, Apache Camel, WSO2
DetourAllows a management system to send messages through a separate message channel based on conditions. This pattern is useful for re-routing messages from the main channel when certain conditions are met, enabling dynamic and flexible message handling.FlexibilityApache Camel, WSO2, Spring Integration
Distributed TracingTracks requests as they flow from Sender to Receiver, providing visibility into the end-to-end journey of a message. This is essential for debugging, performance monitoring, and ensuring that messages are handled correctly throughout their lifecycle.TraceabilityJaeger, Zipkin, AWS X-Ray
Failover ManagementManages integration high availability by handling endpoint errors. This includes mechanisms for detecting failures and switching to backup systems or endpoints to ensure continuous operation.High AvailabilityKubernetes, AWS Elastic Load Balancing, Azure Traffic Manager
Governance DashboardProvides a central interface for monitoring, managing, and auditing integration activities and compliance. This ensures that all integrations comply with organizational policies and regulatory requirements.Monitoring, ComplianceMuleSoft Anypoint, WSO2 Governance Registry
Health EndpointMonitors the health of an application endpoint, providing real-time status updates and alerts if the endpoint becomes unavailable or unhealthy. This helps in maintaining the reliability and availability of integrations.Health MonitoringSpring Boot Actuator, AWS Health Check, Azure Application Insights
Manual ResubmissionAllows a message to be manually submitted to a message channel when it fails to be processed automatically. This is useful in scenarios where automated retry mechanisms are insufficient, and human intervention is required.ReliabilityRabbitMQ Management Plugin, Apache Kafka Manager
Message HistoryEnsures that messages are persisted in storage, commonly used in Event-driven and Event-Sourcing architectures. This allows for tracking, auditing, and replaying messages if necessary.MonitoringApache Kafka, AWS Kinesis, Azure Event Hubs
Message StoreStores a Command, Event, or Query message in persistent storage for auditing purposes. This ensures that all important messages are archived and can be retrieved for future reference or analysis.AuditingAmazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage
SchedulerTriggers actions or sends messages based on a pre-defined schedule. This is useful for tasks that need to be performed at regular intervals or specific times.Timing, AutomationApache Quartz, AWS CloudWatch Events, Azure Scheduler
Smart ProxyIntercepts messages sent by a Sender on a messaging channel. The Proxy then replaces the Return Address with its own address or another address the Proxy is listening on. When the Receiver responds to the message by sending the response message to the Return Address, the Proxy can then act on behalf of the Sender. This is useful for message routing and handling responses in complex integration scenarios.Message RoutingNGINX, HAProxy, Envoy
Test MessageMonitors the health and stability of any enterprise integration. Sends messages from a Sender to a Receiver without invoking any business logic. Once sent, it is immediately disposed of, or stored for future reference. This ensures that the integration components are functioning correctly without affecting the business process.Health MonitoringPostman, SoapUI, Apache JMeter

Message Endpoint Patterns

Application AdapterThe Application Adapter pattern takes two incompatible interfaces and creates a bridge between the two. This pattern is very useful when converting from one message format to another (e.g., XML to JSON), ensuring seamless communication between different systems.InteroperabilityApache Camel, MuleSoft, Talend
Content EnricherEnriches the message content by adding additional data obtained from an external source. This ensures that messages have all the necessary information before being processed further.CompletenessApache Camel, Spring Integration
Content FilterFilters out unnecessary data from a message before it is processed or forwarded. This helps in reducing the message size and ensuring only relevant data is passed along.EfficiencyApache Camel, MuleSoft
Durable SubscriberSaves messages for an inactive subscriber and delivers these saved messages when the subscriber reconnects. This ensures that no messages are lost when a subscriber is temporarily unavailable.ReliabilityApache Kafka, AWS SNS, Azure Service Bus
Event-Driven ConsumerProcesses event messages based on a Sender emitting an event without the Consumer constantly polling. Event-driven EIPs notify a Consumer when a state change has occurred, improving responsiveness and reducing resource usage.ResponsivenessApache Kafka, AWS Lambda, Azure Event Grid
Idempotent ReceiverEnsures that a message consumed by a Receiver/Subscriber always produces the same result. This is crucial for preventing duplicate processing and ensuring consistency in message handling.ConsistencyApache Kafka, RabbitMQ
Manual ResubmissionAllows a message to be manually submitted to a message channel when it fails to be processed automatically. This is useful in scenarios where automated retry mechanisms are insufficient, and human intervention is required.ReliabilityRabbitMQ Management Plugin, Apache Kafka Manager
Message DeduplicationManages duplicate messages being sent to a message channel, reducing the complexity of the Receiver/Subscriber endpoint when implementing Idempotent Receivers.EfficiencyApache Kafka, RabbitMQ
Message DispatcherDistributes messages to the appropriate Receiver in a Point-to-Point Messaging system that uses a single message channel. This ensures that messages are routed correctly based on specific criteria.RoutingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Message GatewayEncapsulates message-specific code from the rest of the application. It is a class that wraps messaging-specific method calls and exposes domain-specific methods to the application. Only the Messaging Gateway knows about the actual implementation of the messaging system, promoting encapsulation and separation of concerns.EncapsulationApache Camel, Spring Integration
Message MapperMoves data between business domain objects and the underlying messaging infrastructure while keeping the two components independent of each other. It contains the mapping logic between the messaging infrastructure and the domain objects.DecouplingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Talend
Polling ConsumerAllows a Receiver to explicitly make calls to a Receiver when it wants to receive messages. Polling is carried out at intervals. This pattern is often used in Async HTTP API calls, providing flexibility in message consumption.FlexibilityApache Camel, Spring Integration
Priority QueueProcesses messages based on priority queues, where a queue with a higher priority will process messages faster than a queue with a lower priority. This ensures that critical messages are handled promptly.PrioritisationRabbitMQ, Apache ActiveMQ
Queue-Based Load LevellingUses a Queue to invoke a sequential message system to manage load and costs by restricting a Consumer to processing a single message at a time. This helps in managing system load effectively.Load ManagementAzure Queue Storage, AWS SQS
Selective Consumer / Competing ConsumerSelects a specific consumer in both EIP Point-to-point Messaging and Publisher/Subscriber by using message headers such as the TO, FROM, and CorrelationID message attributes. This allows precise targeting of messages to the appropriate consumer.PrecisionApache Kafka, RabbitMQ
Service ActivatorCreates, configures, and manages services in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The Service Activator listens for requests and then creates or configures the appropriate service to fulfill the request, managing the lifecycle of the services, such as starting and stopping them.Service ManagementSpring Boot, Apache Camel, MuleSoft
Service WindowDefines a specific time period when a system or service is available for integration, allowing for a more efficient and reliable integration process.AvailabilityAWS Lambda Scheduled Events, Azure Functions Timer Trigger
Singleton ConsumerEnsures that only one consumer handles messages in sequence in a Publisher & Subscriber model. This design pattern aims to ensure that a single consumer is created and responsible for handling messages, ensuring consistency in message processing.ConsistencyApache Kafka, RabbitMQ
Smart ProxyIntercepts messages sent by a Sender on a messaging channel. The Proxy then replaces the Return Address with its own address or another address the Proxy is listening on. When the Receiver responds to the message by sending the response message to the Return Address, the Proxy can then act on behalf of the Sender. This is useful for message routing and handling responses in complex integration scenarios.Message RoutingNGINX, HAProxy, Envoy
Stale Message/Message ExpirationAllows a sender to indicate when a message should be considered stale and shouldn’t be processed. You can set the Message Expiration to specify a time limit in which a message is viable. Message Expiration is built into some Messaging systems; these messages are often dead-lettered.TimelinessRabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Azure Service Bus
Test MessageMonitors the health and stability of any enterprise integration. Sends messages from a Sender to a Receiver without invoking any business logic. Once sent, it is immediately disposed of, or stored for future reference. This ensures that the integration components are functioning correctly without affecting the business process.Health MonitoringPostman, SoapUI, Apache JMeter
Throttled ConsumerEnsures that the Receiver is only allowed to process a set number of messages at any given time. This pattern is useful in scenarios where the Receiver destination endpoint may not be ready to commit a transaction. By slowing the Receiver endpoint using other EIPs like Exponential Backoff, the Receiver endpoint is given a chance to process a message.Rate LimitingApache Camel, Spring Integration
Transactional ClientControls transactions with the messaging system. It makes the client’s session with the messaging system transactional so that the client can specify transaction boundaries. This is considered an anti-pattern because it can lead to tight coupling and reduced flexibility.Anti-PatternJMS (Java Message Service), Spring Transaction Management

Message Construction Patterns

Command MessageSends a Receiver an asynchronous message to instruct it to perform a specific action. This pattern is useful in Point-to-Point messaging systems where commands need to be executed reliably.Asynchronous MessagingApache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus
Correlation IdentifierAdds a unique identifier that associates any message to the system or endpoint, helping to identify why the message was constructed in the first place. This is crucial for tracking and managing messages across systems.Message TrackingApache Camel, MuleSoft, WSO2
Document MessageUses a Message Construction pattern to create a structured message (e.g., JSON or XML) to send to a message channel. This pattern is useful for exchanging complex data structures between systems.Data ExchangeJSON, XML, Avro
Event MessageSends a key-value event message to a message channel. This pattern is essential for event-driven architectures where events need to be propagated across different components or systems.Event-Driven ArchitectureApache Kafka, AWS SNS, Azure Event Grid
Format IndicatorAdds details indicating the format of the messages so that Receivers can quickly identify and process messages. This ensures that the message format is correctly interpreted by the receiving system.Data FormattingMIME types, Content-Type headers
Message ActivationActivates a message by triggering an action, such as a customer opening an email, clicking a link, or downloading an attachment. By activating a message, the sender can measure and track the effectiveness of the message.User EngagementEmail tracking systems, Marketing automation tools
Message ExpirationAdds an expiry date on a message so that messages are automatically disposed of after a given time period. This ensures that outdated messages do not clog the system.Message Lifecycle ManagementRabbitMQ, Apache Kafka
Message Model/Message SchemaPredefines the message formats that are used by applications. This ensures that all messages conform to a specified standard, facilitating interoperability and reducing errors.Data StandardizationJSON Schema, Avro Schema, Protocol Buffers
Message SequenceAdds a numerical value to the message so that messages can be resequenced if they arrive out of order. This is important for maintaining the correct order of processing in systems where message order is critical.Ordered ProcessingApache Kafka, RabbitMQ
Notification MessageSends a brief, informative message to notify a system or user of an event. This pattern is useful for alerting and informing stakeholders about significant events or changes.Event NotificationAWS SNS, Twilio, Azure Notification Hubs
Request-ReplyReceives a response from a recipient after sending a message. This pattern works well with protocols like AMQP and is useful for synchronous interactions.Synchronous MessagingApache Camel, Spring Integration, RabbitMQ
Request / ResponseSends a message to one Queue and receives a reply in another Queue. This pattern is useful in asynchronous architectures where decoupled interactions are required.Asynchronous MessagingApache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus
Return AddressAdds Sender details to a message so that Receivers can identify and send responses back to the Sender if required. This pattern is essential for enabling two-way communication in message-driven systems.Message RoutingJMS, Apache Camel, MuleSoft

Message Channel Patterns

Broadcast ChannelA message channel that sends the same message to multiple receivers simultaneously. This pattern is useful for scenarios where the same information needs to be disseminated to many endpoints.Broadcast MessagingApache Kafka, AWS SNS, Azure Event Grid
Channel AdapterConnects platform-agnostic systems to a single channel so that the systems can consume messages from a single channel. This pattern is useful for integrating heterogeneous systems.IntegrationApache Camel, Spring Integration, MuleSoft
Channel PoolManages a pool of message channels to optimize resource usage and message throughput. This helps in balancing the load and improving the efficiency of message processing.Resource ManagementRabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Apache Kafka
Circuit BreakerStops the flow of messages between systems based on predefined rules, typically to prevent system overload or failure propagation. This pattern helps in maintaining system stability and reliability.Fault ToleranceHystrix, Resilience4j, Envoy
DataType ChannelSpecifies how the data is going to be transformed in an integration flow, including the schema and the mapping of data elements. This ensures data integrity and consistency.Data TransformationApache Kafka, Apache Camel
Dead Letter ChannelRemoves messages that cannot be delivered from a queue and places them in a ‘Dead-Letter’ queue for further investigation. This helps in managing undeliverable messages and maintaining system health.Error HandlingAmazon SQS, RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus
Fire & ForgetSends messages to a Receiver without expecting an acknowledgment from the Receiver. This pattern is useful for scenarios where reliability is not a primary concern.Asynchronous MessagingRabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, AWS SQS
Guaranteed DeliveryEnsures that a message will be delivered, even if the Sender or Receiver application fails. This pattern is crucial for systems that require high reliability and message integrity.ReliabilityApache Kafka, Amazon SQS, Azure Service Bus
Invalid MessageRemoves messages that contain invalid headers, parameters, or payloads to a separate queue for independent processing. This helps in maintaining the integrity of the main message processing channel.Error HandlingRabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Apache Kafka
Message BridgeConsumes messages from one queue and sends them to another queue to be processed independently. This pattern is useful for decoupling message producers and consumers.DecouplingApache Camel, Spring Integration, MuleSoft
Message BusOperates a push/pull model messaging system, handling streams of data for lightweight, key/value pair messaging. This pattern is useful for large-scale message distribution.Messaging InfrastructureApache Kafka, RabbitMQ, NATS
Message SettlementEnables a Receiver to send a response ACK to the Message Broker advising that the message has been completed, abandoned, deferred, or dead-lettered. This pattern helps in managing message lifecycle and delivery status.Message Lifecycle ManagementRabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, AWS SQS
Outbox DeliveryUses a relational database to insert messages or events into an outbox table as part of the local transaction, ensuring reliable message delivery even in the case of system failures.ReliabilityApache Kafka, Debezium, Spring Boot
Point-to-PointIntegrates a Sender and Receiver directly without using a message channel, known as Point-to-Point Messaging. This pattern is useful for direct and simple integrations.Direct MessagingJMS, Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ
Publish-SubscribeProcesses messages asynchronously using a message channel where receivers consume messages when they are ready. This pattern is useful for decoupling message producers and consumers.Asynchronous MessagingApache Kafka, AWS SNS, Azure Event Grid
Pull-to-PushTransforms a Pull Channel into a Push Channel, enabling proactive message delivery to receivers. This pattern is useful for systems that need to react to events promptly.Messaging TransformationApache Camel, Spring Integration, MuleSoft
Push-to-PullTransforms a Push Channel into a Pull Channel, allowing receivers to pull messages when they are ready to process them. This pattern is useful for load management and controlling message consumption rates.Messaging TransformationApache Camel, Spring Integration, MuleSoft
Service WindowDefines a specific time period when a system or service is available for integration, allowing for efficient and reliable integration processes.AvailabilityCustom Implementation
Store and ForwardHandles messages where the destination is not reachable by storing them in a temporary datastore and forwarding them when the receiver is online. This pattern ensures reliable message delivery even in the case of temporary unavailability.ReliabilityApache Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ
Delta SyncTracks database changes in one system and applies these changes to another database, ensuring data consistency across systems.Data SynchronizationDebezium, Apache Kafka, AWS DMS

Message Transformation Patterns

Canonical Data ModelDefines a common set of data elements, relationships, and rules to be used as a reference for data exchange between different systems. It provides a consistent view of data across multiple applications, databases, and organizations, improving data integration and reducing duplication.Data StandardizationMuleSoft, Apache Camel, IBM Integration Bus
Claim CheckExtracts the larger payload from the message and stores it in an external service, leaving only a claim check in the message. This allows messages to remain lightweight while still being able to reference large data sets.Data OffloadingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Content EnricherAdds additional data to a message from an external source, enriching the message content. This is useful when the initial message does not contain all the required information for processing.Data EnrichmentApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Content FilterFilters out unnecessary data from a message before it is processed or forwarded. This helps in reducing the payload size and ensuring that only relevant data is processed.Data FilteringApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Format TransformerTransforms the message format to meet the requirements of different systems. This is essential for interoperability between systems that use different data formats.Data TransformationApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Message AdapterAdapts a message from one format to another to ensure compatibility between systems. This is useful for integrating heterogeneous systems that use different protocols or message formats.Data TransformationApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Message CompressionCompresses message data to reduce the size for transmission. This is useful for optimizing bandwidth usage and improving performance.Data EfficiencyGzip, Snappy, Zstandard
Message DecompressionDecompresses message data that was previously compressed, restoring it to its original size and format for processing.Data EfficiencyGzip, Snappy, Zstandard
Message FilterFilters messages based on specified criteria, ensuring that only messages meeting the criteria are processed. This is useful for routing and handling messages selectively.Data FilteringApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Message NormalizerTransforms incoming messages to a standard format, ensuring consistency in how messages are processed. This is useful when messages arrive in multiple formats, such as XML, JSON, and AVRO.Data StandardizationApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Message TranslatorTranslates one message format into another to ensure compatibility between different systems. This is essential for integrating systems that use different data formats.Data TransformationApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
NormalizerEnsures that messages arriving in different formats are converted to a single standard format for processing. This helps in maintaining consistency and reducing complexity.Data StandardizationApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Service CallCalls an external service to transform data held in the message. This pattern is useful for offloading complex data transformation tasks to specialized services.Data TransformationREST APIs, SOAP Web Services, gRPC
TransformerTransforms the content of a message according to specified rules. This is useful for converting data formats, enriching messages, or applying business logic.Data TransformationApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration

Message Routing Patterns

AggregatorCombines multiple related messages into a single message. This is useful for collecting and processing related data in a batch.Message AggregationApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Composed Message ProcessorProcesses a message composed of multiple parts, handling each part in a specific order. This is useful for complex message workflows that require multiple steps.Message ProcessingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Content-Based RouterRoutes messages to different endpoints based on the content of the message. This pattern is useful for directing messages to the appropriate service based on their content.Message RoutingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Dynamic RouterDynamically routes messages to a destination without explicitly adding the recipients’ details to a message. This is useful for scenarios where the routing logic needs to be flexible and context-aware.Dynamic RoutingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Message FilterFilters messages based on specified rules so that receivers only consume and process messages intended for them. This helps in reducing processing overhead and focusing on relevant messages.Data FilteringApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Message RouterRoutes messages based on complex business rules. This pattern is useful for implementing sophisticated routing logic that considers various factors.Message RoutingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Message SamplingSamples messages at intervals to a dedicated queue to ensure the overall integration is working effectively. This is useful for monitoring and quality assurance.MonitoringApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
MulticastRoutes single or multiple messages to multiple systems at the same time. This pattern is useful for scenarios where the same message needs to be processed by multiple recipients.Message BroadcastingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Pipes-and-FiltersProcesses messages through a complex series of conditions and steps. This pattern is useful for breaking down message processing into discrete, reusable components.Message ProcessingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Recipient ListRoutes messages to a list of recipients, either statically or dynamically determined. This pattern is useful for scenarios where messages need to be sent to multiple endpoints.Message RoutingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
ResequencerReorders a sequence of messages that have been received out of order. This is useful for maintaining the correct order of messages in scenarios where order is important.Message OrderingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Routing SlipRoutes messages through a list of processing steps without predetermining the routing. This pattern is useful for dynamic and flexible message workflows.Dynamic RoutingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
SagaDefines a series of related actions that should be either completed successfully (all of them) or not executed/compensated. This is useful for managing complex, long-running business processes.Transaction ManagementApache Camel, Spring Boot, Axon Framework
Scatter-GatherSends multiple requests to different services in parallel and then gathers the responses into a single response. This approach can reduce the latency of a composite service while increasing its throughput.Parallel ProcessingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Selective ConsumerSelects a specific consumer in both EIP Point-to-Point Messaging and Publisher/Subscriber models by using message headers such as TO, FROM, and CorrelationID message attributes.Message FilteringApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Service CallCalls a remote service in a distributed system where the service is looked up from a service registry. This is useful for integrating with external services and APIs.Service IntegrationREST APIs, SOAP Web Services, gRPC
SplitterSplits a message into multiple parts so that they can be processed individually. This pattern is useful for breaking down large messages into manageable pieces.Message ProcessingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration
Throttled ConsumerEnsures that the receiver is only allowed to process a set number of messages at any given time. This pattern is useful in scenarios where the receiver destination endpoint may not be ready to commit a transaction.Rate LimitingApache Camel, MuleSoft, Spring Integration

Security Patterns

TypeDefinitionDomainExample Technologies
Authentication GatewayManages and verifies the identity of users or systems attempting to access a service. This ensures that only authenticated entities can interact with the system.Identity ManagementOAuth2, OpenID Connect, Keycloak, AWS Cognito
Authorization PatternEnsures that authenticated entities have the appropriate permissions to perform actions or access resources. This pattern helps in enforcing access control policies.Access ControlRBAC (Role-Based Access Control), ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control), AWS IAM, Azure AD
Data MaskingObscures sensitive data within a message before it is transmitted or logged. This helps in protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.Data PrivacyApache Kafka, DataMasker, IBM Guardium
Digital SignatureUses cryptographic signatures to ensure the authenticity and integrity of a message. This helps in verifying that the message has not been tampered with and confirms the sender’s identity.Data IntegrityRSA, DSA, ECDSA, OpenSSL, AWS KMS
Encrypted CommunicationEncrypts data in transit to protect it from being intercepted or tampered with. This ensures that data remains confidential and secure while being transmitted between systems.Data SecurityTLS/SSL, HTTPS, VPN, AWS KMS, Azure Key Vault
Encrypted StorageEncrypts data at rest to protect it from unauthorized access. This ensures that stored data remains confidential and secure.Data SecurityAES, RSA, AWS S3 Server-Side Encryption, Azure Blob Storage Encryption
Federated IdentityAllows users to use a single set of credentials to access multiple systems. This pattern helps in simplifying user management and enhancing security across integrated systems.Identity ManagementSAML, OAuth2, OpenID Connect, Microsoft ADFS
FirewallMonitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. This helps in protecting systems from unauthorized access and attacks.Network SecurityCisco ASA, Palo Alto Networks, AWS WAF, Azure Firewall
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)Monitors network or system activities for malicious activities or policy violations and produces reports. This helps in detecting and responding to security threats.Threat DetectionSnort, Suricata, AWS GuardDuty, Azure Security Center
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)Identifies and prevents potential security threats in real-time. This helps in blocking malicious activities before they can cause harm.Threat PreventionCisco Firepower, Palo Alto Networks, AWS WAF, Azure Firewall
Key ManagementManages cryptographic keys, including their generation, distribution, storage, and destruction. This ensures that keys are handled securely and used appropriately.Cryptographic Key ManagementAWS KMS, Azure Key Vault, HashiCorp Vault
Message IntegrityEnsures that the content of a message has not been altered during transit. This helps in maintaining the integrity of the data being transmitted.Data IntegrityHMAC, SHA-256, MD5, OpenSSL
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)Requires more than one form of verification to authenticate a user. This enhances security by making it more difficult for unauthorized users to gain access.Identity ManagementGoogle Authenticator, Authy, AWS MFA, Azure MFA
Secure SessionManages user sessions securely, ensuring that session data is protected from unauthorized access and tampering.Session ManagementJWT (JSON Web Tokens), OAuth2, Secure Cookies
Security Token Service (STS)Issues security tokens that assert the identity and privileges of the user. This is useful for enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) and federated identity management.Identity ManagementAWS STS, Azure AD, Auth0
SSL/TLS OffloadingHandles the encryption and decryption of SSL/TLS traffic to reduce the load on backend servers. This improves performance while maintaining secure communications.Network SecurityF5 BIG-IP, Citrix ADC, NGINX

Data Architectures and Design Patterns

TypeDefinitionDomainExample Technologies
CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)Separates the read and write operations of a data store to optimize performance, scalability, and security. Commands handle updates, while queries handle data retrieval.Data ManagementAxon Framework, EventStore, Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
Data LakeA centralized repository that allows you to store all your structured and unstructured data at any scale. It enables flexible data processing and analytics.Data StorageAWS S3, Azure Data Lake, Google Cloud Storage
Data MartA subset of a data warehouse focused on a specific business line or team. It provides targeted insights and analytics capabilities.Data StorageAWS Redshift, Google BigQuery, Microsoft SQL Server
Data MeshA decentralized data architecture where different business domains manage their own data products. This approach promotes scalability, ownership, and agility.Data ManagementDataHub, Starburst, Dremio
Data WarehouseA centralized repository for integrated data from multiple sources. It supports analytical reporting, structured queries, and data mining.Data StorageAWS Redshift, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Microsoft SQL Server
Database ShardingDivides a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces called shards. This approach improves performance and scalability by distributing the load across multiple servers.Data PartitioningMongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB
Domain-Driven Design (DDD)An approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration between technical and domain experts to create a shared understanding of the problem space and design solutions.Software ArchitectureAxon Framework, EventStore, Spring Boot
Event SourcingStores the state of a system as a sequence of events. This pattern provides a reliable way to reconstruct past states and ensures that all changes are recorded.Data ManagementEventStore, Apache Kafka, Axon Framework
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)A data integration process that involves extracting data from different sources, transforming it into a suitable format, and loading it into a data warehouse or other repository.Data IntegrationApache Nifi, Talend, AWS Glue
Kappa ArchitectureAn architecture designed for processing data streams. It simplifies the Lambda Architecture by processing both real-time and historical data using a stream processing engine, reducing complexity.Data ProcessingApache Kafka, Apache Flink, Apache Samza
Lambda ArchitectureCombines batch and real-time processing to provide a comprehensive data processing solution. This architecture supports both high throughput and low latency.Data ProcessingApache Spark, Apache Kafka, AWS Lambda
Master Data Management (MDM)Ensures the consistency, accuracy, and accountability of an organization’s shared master data assets. This involves processes and tools for data governance and quality management.Data GovernanceInformatica MDM, IBM InfoSphere, Talend
Polyglot PersistenceUses multiple data storage technologies to handle different data storage needs within the same application. This approach leverages the strengths of various databases to optimize performance and scalability.Data ManagementMongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4j, PostgreSQL
Shared Nothing ArchitectureEach node is independent and self-sufficient, avoiding shared resources that can become bottlenecks. This architecture is designed for high scalability and reliability.System DesignApache Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud Spanner
Stream ProcessingProcesses data in real-time as it is produced or received. This architecture is ideal for applications that require immediate insights or actions based on streaming data.Real-time Data ProcessingApache Kafka, Apache Flink, Amazon Kinesis
Time-Series DatabaseOptimized for storing and querying time-stamped data. This type of database is ideal for applications that involve time-series data such as monitoring, IoT, and financial data.Data StorageInfluxDB, TimescaleDB, Prometheus
Data VirtualizationProvides a unified data layer that integrates data from disparate sources in real-time or near-real-time, without physically moving the data. This allows for seamless data access and integration.Data IntegrationDenodo, Tibco Data Virtualization, IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Comments (4)


Feb 14, 2022 at 9:36 AM

One item that’s missing is the Bi-Directional Sync. Thanks for sharing this list.


syed hussain

Jul 06, 2022 at 6:37 AM

Thank you for your comment. Integration is usually documented as a one-way stream, of course, it can be reversed so that the Receiver is also responding to a Sender making this bi-directional. If you are speaking of two-way communication (duplex) then this is a different communication protocol altogether, for this I have Azure Pub/Sub and Relays documented, but also posts on both Web Sockets and SignalR, both provide duplex capabilities.



Jun 06, 2022 at 9:32 AM

I know this page is work in progress, but where would you classify something like X12 and EDIFACT?


syed hussain

Jul 06, 2022 at 6:33 AM

I have some commentary on the Application Adapter pattern, although not explicit to EDI, it should provide some guidance.


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