Post by: syed hussain in All C# Tips
You might come across an error which prevents you uploading a file greater than 4MB to Azure Storage.
Post by: syed hussain in All C# Dynamics 365 CE
Summary I was processing large quantities of FetchXML queries using Apache Kafka and ran into an issue where Kafka threw an Invalid XML error. The way to solve this issue…
Post by: syed hussain in All C# Integration Design Patterns
There isn't an official way or method to empty an Azure Service Bus Queue using the Nuget assemblies. The following approach loops through the message list and empties the contents…
Post by: syed hussain in All C#
Soundex is a phonetic algorithm that is used to index and search for words based on their pronunciation rather than their spelling. The algorithm assigns a code to each word…
Post by: syed hussain in All JavaScript
Here is a code snippet that will turn a JSON response into a table.
Post by: syed hussain in All Development
One of my favourite messages/events streaming technology is Apache Kafka. Here is a very quick method to install Kafka in Linux using Docker.
Post by: syed hussain in JavaScript
A JavaScript code snippet showing a simple Fetch APi example.
Post by: syed hussain in All JavaScript
Simple snippet showing how web pages can be served using node.js.
Post by: syed hussain in All C# Dynamics 365
The following code captures record updates in a Dynamics 365 CE plugin, and stores this in the description field.
Post by: syed hussain in All C# Tips
To reduce that cyclomatic complexity often produced by condition statements like IF/ELSE of Switch, it’s often easier to store functions in a Dictionary and invoke them when required. There are…